Companies are racing to bring AI into operations because they think it will help or want to use whatever’s new and shiny. No the matter the motivation, think about what you need and want from artificial intelligence tools before starting. AI’s Purpose: A telephone, car brakes, and a mop each have a function. What function […]
Category: Management
6 Steps to Resolving Conflicts at Work
Don’t know about you, but I’ve been blessed with an almost perfectly peaceful career. I’ve worked with hundreds of people who interacted with respect, professionalism, and strived to be a team. Most disagreements were about finding the best way to complete a project or reach a goal. Occasionally, there were personality conflicts. While we like […]
When Things Go Bad
Seems we go through some sort of economic disaster every four or eight years. Things will get better but will most likely take time. The “hope for the best – plan for the worst” principle might be a prudent guide to follow. Consider some actions and ideas that have worked in previous years. Analyze, Adapt, […]
Annual Reviews are Yucky
“Thanks for working an entire year. Here’s a completed form filled with everything I like and dislike about you. Enjoy your day.” Yeah, annual performance reviews aren’t usually that blunt, but they sometimes feel like that. Now is the time to develop a new method to evaluate performance due to the way business is conducted, […]
Go Musk Yourself!
Most likely you’ve heard about Elon Musk’s answer when asked about some corporations refusing to advertise on X platform. You may or may not agree with his message or tone even after listening to his entire two-minute response, but there is a learning takeaway from this incident. It’s a reminder that you have the ability […]
10 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
There’s a right way, a wrong way, and a half-ass way to do everything. Pay attention to the details to stay on the right path. Lumping All Contacts Together. The “cookie cutter” approach to email marketing produces weak results. Sure, somebody might click to the next phase of the purchasing journey just as a broken […]
Control is Not an Illusion
“Use the Force, Luke!” the ghostly voice of Obi Wan Kenobi echoed in Luke Skywalker’s mind as he made his high-speed approach to the Death Star’s exhaust vent. “Let go. Luke, trust me.” Sorry to be the one to tell you: Jedi mind tricks won’t work anywhere in our universe. While we can’t control the […]
7 Habits for Time Management Success
Too much to do and not enough time. That’s the mentality of millions of us no matter how much is sounds like a cliché. Managing time is easier with rules as we’ve all learned. Some rules make sense, others are a struggle to follow, and breaking a few is like sneaking candy when you’re on […]
What Video Games Thought Me About Business
Yes, I’m a gamer. I’ve been playing since Pong was released, when Pac Man and Donkey Kong changed the world, and “Tom Sawyer” by Rush became the video gamer’s anthem. Even today, video games have taught me a lot about succeeding in today’s business world. Let me start with one of the basics: Every video […]
Keep Swinging: A New Look at Business and Baseball
Using sports analogies in business has been around since the Great Bambino swung a bat. Watching an MLB game at my local sports bar had me thinking about how much baseball really is the same as business and life. The batter must react to every pitch. We do that with each “pitch” Life throws at […]